Jigoro Kano
Was ist Judo
What is Judo
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What is Judo?

Judo may rightly be called a sport of partnership where the playful body movement is at the centre of the game.
Judo is a sport for everybody and can be practised until a high age.
Judo is ideal for the development of children and young people.

Jigoro Kano (1860-1938) the founder of Judo, developed this sport from the weaponless fighting and self-defence arts (Jiu-Jitsu or Ju-Jutsu), which originated at the time of Samurai. He was educated by various masters. When he created Judo from the different methods of fighting, he mainly aimed at three targets.
- He particularly wanted to create a system which, in an interesting way and over many years, develops the body, muscles, strengthens the organs an maintains the body in good condition. Judo should not be just a short fitness program, but something people of all ages and both sexes can practise over an extended period.
- Secondly, he wanted to give his pupils the possibility of competition within the strict rules of a duel sport.
- Furthermore, besides forming the character and personality, Judo should enhance the spirit and intellect.

In 1882 Kano opened his own Judo School called KODOKAN (place for studying the path). Even today the KODOKAN in Tokyo is the spiritual centre. Jigoro Kano graduated from the University of Tokyo in aesthetics and moral philosophy. He later became an educator and politician in his home country.
How far Judo has advanced as a worldwide sport is evidenced by being an Olympic discipline since 1964.

JU DO = gentle way


a sport which is simultaneously a philosophy of life:

- fight without hatred
- controlled power
- chivalry
- stoical acceptance of victory and defeat